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Home > Cafè > TrekZone > Risposta a Messaggio > L'insurrection... Domenica, 28 Apr 2024 21:43


Spazio, ultima frontiera. Dalle indimenticabili avventure di Kirk & Co. a Enterprise, l'ultima, controversa serie dell'universo di Star Trek. Da quasi quarant'anni sulla breccia...

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Argomento: Una comparison da Star Trek TNG stagione 6!!

By: Ellie Arroway

Posted: 13.03.2014 @ 07:24
...si rende necessaria, visto che l'Italiano non è compreso tra le ligue annunciate negli USA per il sesto cofanetto. Forza ragazzi, diamoci da fare!
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La tua risposta:

[Una comparison da Star Trek TNG stagione 6!!]


Indice della discussione su Una comparison da Star Trek TNG stagione 6!!
L'insurrection... by Ellie Arroway, 13.03.2014 @ 07:24
  Re: Io ho provato by Giamma51, 13.03.2014 @ 11:34
  Re: Re: Io ho provato by Robersonic, 16.03.2014 @ 00:02
[Collassa Thread]


By: Ellie Arroway

Posted: 13.03.2014 @ 07:24
...si rende necessaria, visto che l'Italiano non è compreso tra le ligue annunciate negli USA per il sesto cofanetto. Forza ragazzi, diamoci da fare!

Re: Io ho provato

By: Giamma51

Posted: 13.03.2014 @ 11:34
Ho raccolto un paio di indirizzi e ho provato a sensibilizzare le casemadri di oltreoceano tramite il customer americano....

ho scritto a:
help@support.paramountmovies.com poi a phe_customerservice@paramount.com
e infine via tichet al customer care di Universal USA.

la mia mail

"Dear Paramountmovies and Universalmovie,

I contact you regard to the product: "StarTreck:Enterprise" Bluray edition, still in production.
We known that the italian version of Enterprise in Blurays is been interrupted after 2 seasons for
reason of market, so we have been told.
This news came after the publication of the second season.
I find it very unfair policy towards the customers who bought the first two season, a collection
that will never be completed. Now we are left with 2 out of 4 seasons, an unfinished product, as
collecting is worthless.
The publication is made in Italy by Universal Italy, which unfortunately has never been
distinguished with quality production as the American or British counterparts: lack of content,
quality, such as cuts to subtitles to follow TV series or movies in English, and so on., not to
mention the extremely cheap packaging compared to American or British.
We tried to contact Universal Italy, but it is impossible not only is untraceable, but no answers
We know that there are different policies for each country there are dislocarte offices and
branches in all parts of the world, but what appears on Packeging of our DVD or Blurays are your
logos: Paramount and Univeral and this certainly does not do justice to two professional and
historical companies as you are, but this is the image that you have here in Italy.
Although the publication of StarTrek in Italy is via Universal, the brand is associated with
Paramount and even it doesn't makes a good impression too.
Whatever the reasons that led to the suspension of Italian localizations of Enterprise, these are
unfair to customers and people who have put their trust over the years and bought your products.
Currently in production is also "StarTrek - The Next genration" in blurays, stopped at season 5,
after the investment made, we Italians hope not being teased with this production too.
We hope that you take care about your image in the world regardless of the country where they are
represented. Meanwhile, Italians will not give up and defend our rights as consumers.

This message has been posted by ticket to Universal movie customer support too.

Sorry for my English.
Best Regards
an italian customer,
Gian Marco.


itauniversalpictures@gmail.com, apparently the only url and email available on the Net for
Universal Italia."

Re: Re: Io ho provato

By: Robersonic

Posted: 16.03.2014 @ 00:02
Grazie, Giamma, copia/incollata e spedita anche io con il subject: "Star Trek in blu-ray: be serious, protect your image in the world!". Fatelo anche voi. Intanto aspettiamo di sapere cosa ha intenzione di fare dvdweb.it! Ciao

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