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Home > Cafè > DVDZone > Risposta a Messaggio > Non siamo soli!! Domenica, 28 Apr 2024 19:12


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Non siamo soli!!
Argomento: Zombi

By: mr.jones

Posted: 03.08.2004 @ 15:03
...e comunque, per chi mastica inglese, leggetevi questo post di un acquirente americano che, su Amazon, si lamenta per la 5a edizione di Zombi in dvd.... siam tutti nella stessa barca...

'For anyone who's been paying attention this is about the fourth or fifth DAWN release on DVD. First the original, then another version of the original, then the director's cut, then the DiviMax Special Edition... now this. Just like the Evil Dead series, they just keep on cranking out these 'new limited edition'-style DVDs.

I don't mean to bash this DVD, I'm sure it will be good, but I question the companies that release new DVD versions of films every other month. It's usually low-budget horror flicks with huge cult followings.

Anyway...I paid $17.99 on the DiviMax edition and although I'm interested in buying this one, frankly, I feel a bit ripped off. I know I'm probably not alone when I say: STOP RELEASING MULTIPLE EDITIONS. Get it right the first time. Two versions, tops. Not five, six, seven, etc.
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Indice della discussione su Zombi
  Settembre Anchor Bay by Davide Z, 01.08.2004 @ 13:40
  I conti in tasca... by L'Osservatore, 01.08.2004 @ 17:21
Non siamo soli!! by mr.jones, 03.08.2004 @ 15:03
[Espandi Thread]

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